Ice catch solid insulated for cold chain management
Ice catch solid insulated for cold chain management Package 1,100 grams each piece For thermostats + 2 / + 8 ° C Each panet is suitable for keeping refrigerated up to 10 kg of product for 120 hours.
available: YES
List Price: € 5,47 cad.
Ice catch solid insulated for cold chain management (2 pcs)
Ice catch solid insulated for cold chain management Package 460 grams each piece For thermostats + 2 / + 8 ° C Each panet is suitable for keeping refrigerated up to 10 kg of product for 120 hours.
available: YES
List Price: € 6,09 cad.
available: YES
List Price: € 13,01 cad.
available: YES
List Price: € 12,87 cad.
Isotermic box for food (capacity 10 litres)
Isotermic box for food (capacity 10 litres)
available: YES
List Price: € 7,47 cad.