BodyTemp Termometro IR 32...42,5°C
Infrared thermometer for non-contact measurements on human body and surfaces.
available: YES
List Price: € 99,75 cad.
available: YES
List Price: € 124,44 cad.
Digital dairy thermometer with rod IP67 for boiler -50 + 150 ° C
Ø100 stainless steel dairy thermometer with LCD Reading range -50+150°C
available: YES
List Price: € 347,70 cad.
Digital thermometer for boiler XS TEMP 7 Vio + PT100-PT56 probe
Digital thermometer for boiler XS TEMP 7 Vio. Comes with PT100-PT56 probe
available: YES
List Price: € 268,40 cad.
Digital thermometer for boiler XS TEMP 70 Vio without probe
Digital thermometer for boiler XS TEMP 70 Vio without probe
available: YES
List Price: € 500,20 cad.