Stainless steel trolley for transportation grids
Stainless steel trolley with wheels for transporting polypropylene grids
available: YES
List Price: € 231,80 cad.
Offer price: 208,62 cad.
Stainless steel trolley for transporting 100 liter drums
Stainless steel trolley for transporting 100 liter drums
available: YES
List Price: € 244,00 cad.
Stainless steel trolley for transporting 230 liter vat tub
Stainless steel trolley for transporting 100 liter vat tub
available: YES
List Price: € 305,00 cad.
Stainless steel washtub without handle to string the cheese
Stainless steel AISI 304 washtub without handle to string the cheese, capacity 32 liters
available: YES
List Price: € 191,52 cad.
Stainless steel Wire cm. 130 and two wooden handles
stainless steel Wire cm. 130 and two wooden handles Wire stainless steel AISI 420 53/54 HRC tempered, glossy finish - control of each piece - wooden handle.
available: YES
List Price: € 9,47 cad.