Upper Surround for cod. A000818 oval cheese mould (5 pcs)
Upper Surround for cod. A000818 oval cheese mould (5 pcs)
available: YES
List Price: € 16,60 cad.
Upper Surround for cod. A00776 cheese mould
Upper Surround for cod. A00776 cheese mould
available: YES
List Price: € 9,50 cad.
Vacuum packaging machine L with external suction
Vacuum packaging machine with external suction with sealing bar 50 cm.
available: YES
List Price: € 962,58 cad.
Vacuum packaging machine S with external suction
Vacuum packaging machine with external suction with sealing bar 40 cm.
available: YES
List Price: € 603,90 cad.
Vegetal coagulant - Cynargal bottle 1000 gr
The Cynargal line Hobby Cheese® is an enzyme coagulant extracted from the thistle flower that comes in liquid form, amber color and characteristic odor. Bottle, 1 kg
available: YES
List Price: € 25,62 cad.
Offer price: 23,06 cad.