
Milleaghi Maxi - Stainless steel tool to pierce the Blue Cheese

code: A408001

Milleaghi Maxi - Stainless steel tool to pierce the Blue Cheese

available: YES

List Price: € 213,50 cad.

price VAT included
(For orders between 50 and 2000 euros and only for Private customers)
Present in the cart. Quantity: 0

Milleaghi Midi - Stainless steel tool to pierce the Blue Cheese

code: A408002

Milleaghi Midi - Stainless steel tool to pierce the Blue Cheese

available: YES

List Price: € 108,58 cad.

price VAT included
(For orders between 50 and 2000 euros and only for Private customers)
Present in the cart. Quantity: 0

Milleaghi Mini - Stainless steel tool to pierce the Blue Cheese

code: A408004

Milleaghi Mini - Stainless steel tool to pierce the Blue Cheese

available: YES

List Price: € 53,56 cad.

price VAT included
(For orders between 50 and 2000 euros and only for Private customers)
Present in the cart. Quantity: 0

Mini Dairy pasteurizer capacity 120 litres

code: A308012

Mini Dairy mini water bath pasteurizer made in stainless steel

available: YES

List Price: € 8.283,80 cad.

price VAT included
Present in the cart. Quantity: 0

Mini Dairy pasteurizer capacity 45 litres

code: A308003

Mini Dairy mini water bath pasteurizer made in stainless steel

available: YES

List Price: € 5.233,80 cad.

price VAT included
Present in the cart. Quantity: 0