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Polyethylene band (fascera) for mountain cheese

Polyethylene band (fascera) for mountain cheese

available: YES

List Price: € 32,81 Cad.
price VAT included

code: A400730

Present in the cart. Quantity: 0
Cylindric mold in high-density material for foods
Available for cheese height cm . 8, 9 , 10, 12
length. 149 cm.

Accessory to be purchased separately:
cod. A400755 gattello to stretch the rope
Cod. A400602 Polypropylene or Traditional Rope Cord (3 meters)


Polypropylene Tie-rod «Gattello» for cod. A00692 band
Stainless steel hand sealing clamp for 9 mm seal
Paraffin wax pale yellow color - 25 kg drum
Lactic acid food grade 80% E270 - can 5 kg