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Polyethylene Letters for marking band ( 26 pcs )

Polyethylene Letters for marking band ( 26 pcs )

available: YES

List Price: € 30,76 Cad.
price VAT included

code: A405072

from 5 pieces
28,60 Cad.
    from 10 pieces
27,07 Cad.
Present in the cart. Quantity: 0
n. 1 complete serie of letters (A-Z) to be used to make the bundle, the date and the CE marking stamp.
We have available in our eShop:
Marking band (cod. A405701) and
numbers (cod. A405704).
Bigger numbers for Lot/date are available with code A405703


Traditional seasoned wooden poplar band (12 cm. height)
Band (Fascera) in PE for Reggianito Hi 18 cm. - Long cm. 130
Polyethylene band for cheese mountain with concave edge
Band for marking cheese with CE code, date or lot (10 pz)