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Spare part Burette only for Hydrometer (SH/50 ml) ml 35

Spare part Burette only for Hydrometer (SH/50 ml) ml 35

available: YES

List Price: € 195,38 Cad.
price VAT included
(For orders between 50 and 2000 euros and only for Private customers)

code: A201027

Present in the cart. Quantity: 0
Burette spare part only to be used with
Tecnolatte's Hydrometer for the determination of acidity of milk with Soxhlet-Henkel (SH/50 ml) method.

- Easy and safe

- A 35 ml graduated glass extremely resistant to acids, solvents and detergents

Spare part Burette only


Spare part Burette only for Hydrometer (SH/50 ml) ml 30
Hydrometer 30 ml for the determination of acidity of milk (SH/50 ml)
Fireproof Glass beaker 100 ml - Borosilicate
Graduated TPX glass capacity 100 cc